Common Issues

Empowering you on your journey to healing and growth.

As a therapist, my number one goal is to provide you with a supportive and safe environment where you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Whether you’re seeking relief from anxiety, overcoming past trauma, or just looking to improve your overall well-being, I’m here to help.

With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, I will work with you to uncover your unique strengths and challenges, and help you to develop effective strategies for achieving your goals. My expertise lies in a variety of therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and Trauma-Focused Therapy, and I will collaborate with you to determine the best approach for your needs.

Together, we will navigate the ups and downs of life and create a path toward a more fulfilling future. Don’t wait any longer to start your healing journey – reach out today and learn more about how I can help.

Common Issues

For anger management, therapy can provide individuals with tools and strategies for controlling their temper, communicating in a healthy manner, and resolving conflicts in a constructive way.

For depression, we help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns, improve their mood, and increase their overall sense of well-being.

For anxiety, individual therapy will help you learn relaxation techniques, identify and manage their triggers, and develop a greater sense of control over their anxiety symptoms.

For ADHD, therapy can help individuals better understand their condition, develop coping strategies, and improve their focus and concentration.

For addiction, we provide individuals with support, accountability, and guidance as they work to overcome their addictive behaviors.

For alcohol use, we work to help individuals identify the root causes of their alcohol use, develop strategies for managing cravings, and improve their overall health and well-being.

For behavioral issues, we guide individuals to understand and modify their behaviors, develop more positive ways of coping with stress, and improve their relationships with others.

For bipolar disorder, therapy can help patients manage their mood swings, develop a more stable sense of self, and improve their relationships with others.

For career counseling, we help individuals identify their strengths and interests, develop a clear career path, and achieve their professional goals.

For chronic impulsivity, therapy can help patients slow down and make more deliberate decisions, manage their emotions, and improve their overall quality of life.

For chronic pain and chronic relapse, therapy can provide individuals with tools for managing their symptoms, improving their physical and emotional well-being, and reducing their risk of relapse.

For codependency, therapy helps individuals understand and break patterns of codependency, improve their relationships with others, and develop a stronger sense of self.

For coping skills, we provide individuals with practical strategies for managing stress, improving their emotional resilience, and improving their overall quality of life.

For divorce, therapy can allow those affected to navigate the challenges of separation and divorce, work through their emotions, and build a foundation for a healthy future.

For domestic abuse and domestic violence, we create a safe and supportive environment in which to heal from their trauma and develop healthy relationships in the future.

For drug abuse, therapy can help individuals understand and overcome their addiction, improve their physical and emotional well-being, and build a drug-free life.

For dual diagnosis, therapy can allow for management of the complex interplay between their mental health and substance abuse conditions, and work towards a more stable and healthy future.

For emotional management, therapy can provide patients with tools for regulating their emotions, improving their mood, and managing stress.

For emotional tolerance, we can help individuals develop greater emotional resilience, increase their ability to handle stress, and improve their overall quality of life.

For family conflict, therapy can provide a safe and neutral space for individuals and families to work through their conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen relationships.

For gambling, therapy can help individuals understand and manage their compulsive behaviors, improve their overall health and well-being, and reduce their risk of relapse.

For grief, therapy provides support as we work through the grieving process, understand their emotions, and begin to rebuild their lives.

For hoarding, therapy can help individuals understand and manage their compulsive behaviors, improve their physical and emotional well-being, and reduce the risk of their hoarding behaviors causing harm.

For infidelity, we help couples work through the challenges of infidelity, improve communication, and rebuild trust in their relationship.

For internet addiction, we help patients understand and manage their compulsive behaviors, improve their relationship with technology, and increase their overall sense of well-being.

For learning disabilities, therapy can help individuals better understand their strengths and weaknesses, develop coping strategies, and achieve their academic and professional goals.

For life coaching, therapy offers support and guidance as they work towards their personal and professional goals, develop a clearer sense of purpose, and improve their overall well-being.

For life transitions, we can help you navigate the challenges of change, understand their emotions, and build a foundation for a healthy future.

For marital and premarital counseling, we help couples improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their relationship.

For men’s issues, therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment for men to discuss their unique challenges, develop coping strategies, and improve their overall well-being.

For obesity, we work to understand and manage the relationship with food, develop healthier habits, and improve their overall physical and emotional health.

For oppositional defiance, therapy can help individuals understand and modify their behaviors, improve their relationships with others, and develop more positive ways of coping with stress.

For parenting, we provide families with support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of parenthood, improve communication, and build stronger relationships with their children.

For peer relationships, we help people improve their social skills, manage conflicts, and develop healthier relationships with others.

For relationship issues, we provide couples and individuals with a safe and supportive environment in which to work through their conflicts, improve communication, and build stronger relationships.

For school issues, therapy can provide students and families with support and guidance as they navigate academic and behavioral challenges, and work towards a successful future.

In order to improve self-esteem, we help patients understand and improve their self-worth, develop a more positive self-image, and increase their overall sense of well-being.

With sex therapy, we can help individuals and couples improve their sexual health, work through any sexual difficulties, and build stronger intimate relationships.

For sexual abuse, we can provide individuals with a safe and supportive environment in which to heal from their trauma, understand their emotions, and build a foundation for a healthy future.

For sexual addiction, therapy can help you understand and overcome their compulsive behaviors, improve their relationships with others, and build a healthy sexual life.

For insomnia, we provide individuals with tools for managing sleep difficulties, improving their sleep habits, and reducing their stress levels.

For spirituality, therapy can help patients understand and improve their connection to their spirituality, develop a more fulfilling spiritual life, and improve their overall sense of well-being.

For sports performance, we guide athletes to understand and improve their mental and emotional approach to their sport, develop stronger focus and motivation, and achieve their performance goals.

For stress, therapy can provide individuals with tools for managing their stress levels, improving their overall well-being, and reducing the impact of stress on their daily life.

For substance use, we help individuals understand and overcome their addictive behaviors, improve their physical and emotional health, and build a drug-free life.

For trauma and PTSD, therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment in which to heal from trauma, understand emotions, and build a foundation for a healthy future.

For video game addiction, therapy can help patients understand and manage their compulsive behaviors, improve their relationship with technology, and increase their overall sense of well-being.

For weight loss, we provide individuals with support and guidance as they work towards their weight loss goals, understand and manage their relationship with food, and improve their overall physical and emotional health.